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Emergency procedures

Procedures for Student Dismissal during a Disaster

In the event of a real disaster, your child (ren) will be released only to you or another person designated by you on your Disaster Release Tag.

Except in case of required school evacuation, the children will be assembled for protection and pick-up on the playground area of the school or in an area designated as a safe area. (If Yerba Buena has to be evacuated, we will of course evacuate as quickly as possible. You will then, as soon as possible be notified by school authorities where to pick up your child.)

If we assemble on the yard or field, the following procedures will be followed:

An information officer will direct you (or your designee, someone named on your child's Disaster Release Tag) to the check in/command post area. For safety reasons you (or your designee) will be required to wait just outside the check in/command post area. A runner will be sent to your child's teacher. The teacher will initial the Disaster Release Tag and return it to the runner.   The runner and child will return to the designated pick up area. You (or your designee) must sign the tag at the pick up area. This will let us know with whom the child left, in case another authorized person comes for your child later. It is imperative that the person taking the child sign and leave the tag at the designated picks up area.

If we remain in the classrooms or assemble in the multipurpose room,

the following procedures will be followed:

The parent (or person designated on the Disaster Release Tag) will report to the office or person in charge of the class. The teacher (or person in charge) will check the Disaster Release Tag to confirm that the pick-up person's name is on the list (an ID may have to be shown). The parent or pick-up person will sign beside the child's name on the class checkout sheet, and indicate where the child is to be taken. The teacher will keep the child's signed Disaster Release Tag.

If Reyes Adobe Road is closed:

In the event that Reyes Adobe Road is closed, students will be evacuated through the gate off of Lindero Canyon Boulevard. Parents will park along the drop off area.

Reyes Adobe Road might be designated as one-way traffic only. In that case Lindero Canyon Boulevard will be the exit. The principal and plant manager will determine this.

Plant Manager will inform local emergency departments for assistance.