Dismissal Guidelines
Yerba Buena Elementary and Buttercup Preschool
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures aka “Pick Up”
Afternoon Dismissal (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday only)
1:00 pm TK pick up drivers OK to enter the carline
1:10-1:20 pm TK classes are dismissed at the front of school. Note the time window, please.
1:20 pm Buttercup driver ok to enter the carline
1:25 pm Buttercup classes are dismissed in front of school.
1:35 pm Kinder drivers may enter the car line.
1:37 pm Kinder dismisses in front of school.
1:55 pm Drivers for Grades 1 – 3 may enter the carline. If you enter before 1:55 pm, you will be asked to exit the parking lot and reenter the end of the car line.
2:09 pm Grades 1 – 3 classes walk to front of school.
Students will sit and wait on the stairs.
2:09 pm Drivers will proceed forward to the pick up area. Please do not go around another car unless a staff member instructs you to do so.
2:25 pm Drivers for the upper grade pick up will start to enter the carline. If you enter before 2:25 pm, you will be asked to go around to the end of the line since we may still have primary drivers trying to access the front of the school.
2:36 pm Grades 4 and 5 classes walk to front of school
Students who stayed for the 27-Minute Club will go to the carline area.
Students will sit and wait on the stairs.
2:36 pm Drivers will proceed forward to the pick up area. Please do not go around another car unless a staff member instructs you to do so.
2:50 pm Students who have not been picked up will be sent to the Office to call home.
Wednesday Dismissal
11:50 TK dismissal at the carline (students NOT staying for optional lunch)
12:10 Kinder dismissal at gate near YMCA building (walk up only/no car pick ups)
Students not picked up by 12:20, will be walked to the lunch tables.
12:10 Grades 1 – 5 classes walk to front of school
Grades 1 – 5 who stay for lunch will walk to the cafeteria.
Drivers proceed through the carline to pick up students who are not staying for lunch.
12:20 TK students who stayed for lunch are dismissed at the carline.
12:40 K – 5 students who stayed for lunch are dismissed at the carline.
1:20 Buttercup drivers ok to enter the carline
1:25 Buttercup Preschool will be at the carline for pick up.